
Merging Technologies Audio Magic Ring Software

$210.00 (excl. GST)
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Audio Magic Ring is an audio file conversion application for Windows OS. Its unique user interface makes it a simple matter to quickly convert any number of files between different formats, wordlengths or sample rates. Audio Magic Ring (AMR) is an indispensable tool for sound designers, Web page designers or anyone who has to work with a variety of digital audio formats or devices.

Drag and Drop Interfaces
AMR allows you to simply drag ‘n drop files directly onto icons which represent particular conversion settings (simple or multiple processes). Your audio files will automatically be converted in the background if required, to the desired format and stored in a user-specified directory. You can create as many Audio Magic Rings as you like, one for every conversion scenario that you have to work with.

High Quality Conversion
Audio Magic Ring offers very high quality processing to ensure excellent sounding results. Each process can be applied by itself or in combination containing any order of processes the user wants.

Conversion processes include:
• Sample Rate Conversion (8 kHz to 384 kHz)
• Wordlength Converter (Includes Dither and advanced Noise Shaping)
• Normalizer (Includes DC Offset removal)

File Format Support
AMR is also the perfect file transocding tool. move from interleaved to single-file-per-track, from BWAV to MP3 and everything in between. Enjoy all the same file support as users have in Pyramix Virtual Studio.
