
Merging Technologies Pyramix Element Pack

$210.00 (excl. GST)
Stock Code:
Enquire for ETA


This is the extremely affordable pack yet giving you access to a world you couldn’t explore before: “analog-like” digital audio (DSD/DXD).

This also includes our full 3D audio mixer including Ambisonic up to the 2nd order. (Ambisonic up to 7th order is available with as a paid option.)

Pyramix ELEMENTS is also the ideal companion to Ovation (bundled for free with Ovation PRO and PREMIUM) as our universal 3D rendering engine allows to create a custom room with specific speaker locations and distances to emulate a venue in your studio, which you can use to design audio cues which will be replayed by our live player and show sequencer, Ovation, on a much bigger speaker set (or a 3rd party rendering engine).

Pyramix ELEMENTS integrates seamlessly with the most popular studio controllers such as Avid S1 and Avid Control App.

  • Available Bus Types (Max Speaker Config Size): 22.2

  • Software Playback: @48kHz/96kHz/192kHz/352.8 - 384.kHz (DXD & DSD 64/128/256 (2.8 MHz / 5.6MHz / 11.2 MHz) 512/256/128/64 software channels

  • Hardware I/O: @48kHz/96kHz/192kHz/352.8 - 384.kHz (DXD & DSD 64/128/256 (2.8 MHz / 5.6MHz / 11.2 MHz) 48/24/12/2 hardware channels